Terry County Dental - Brownfield

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment in Brownfield

Tooth pain caused by hot, cold, sweet, and acidic foods can be treated both in the office and at home.
Call 806-878-0971

The Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth pain often occurs when the nerves in your teeth become irritated. Typically, teeth are protected by a layer of enamel. Beneath the enamel lies dentin, and at the core of the tooth is the pulp, which contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. When enamel becomes too thin or is compromised, exposing the dentin, the nerve is no longer protected, leading to sensitivity. This condition is often caused by various practices or conditions that damage tooth enamel.

Common Causes of Tooth Enamel Damage:

  • Consuming acidic foods and beverages, especially before bed
  • Skipping routine oral care, including flossing
  • Brushing aggressively or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Attempting to use professional dental tools at home
  • Health issues like bulimia or acid reflux that expose teeth to stomach acid
  • Untreated gum disease and gum recession
  • Damaged, cracked, or chipped teeth
  • Untreated dental cavities
  • Using tobacco, cannabis products, or vaping
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Overuse of certain teeth whitening products

What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

The first and most important step after experiencing dental pain or discomfort is to see the dentist. We can rule out other possible underlying causes of your tooth pain and recommend treatments for any damage or decay detected during your appointment. With a formal diagnosis, you can feel confident that you’re moving in the right direction. Let’s break the whole process down:

Figure Out the Underlying Cause

We won’t make any assumptions. During your examination, you will be asked to describe the sensitivity and how often it happens. You may require new X-rays, and the dentist will closely examine your teeth and gums. Other diagnostic tests, such as the tap test or cold test, may also be helpful.

Treatment in the Office

Teeth that are damaged or decayed can be treated with a variety of restorative options, ranging from common fillings to more complex procedures like crowns. For worn-down enamel, there are at-home treatments and in-office solutions available. We’ll discuss all of your options with you, and you get the final say.

Personalized Advice

Tooth sensitivity has many potential causes. After completing a dental exam, your dentist can pinpoint the specific cause of your sensitivity. We will provide personalized tips and tricks to strengthen your enamel at home and prevent future tooth decay.

Contact Us Today

Schedule an initial consultation and exam to start your journey toward a healthier smile. During your visit, we’ll thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, soft tissues, and bite. We take a comprehensive approach to understand the overall health and function of your mouth. Before planning your treatment, we want to know everything about your smile’s health and aesthetics, and most importantly, your goals. Let us help you achieve the smile you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tooth sensitivity is usually caused by exposed dentin, often due to enamel erosion, gum recession, cavities, cracked teeth, or worn fillings. Acidic foods, aggressive brushing, and teeth grinding can also contribute to enamel wear and sensitivity.

Your dentist will ask about your symptoms and may perform diagnostic tests, including X-rays, the tap test, and the cold test. A thorough examination of your teeth and gums will help identify the underlying cause of sensitivity.

Treatment options vary based on the cause of sensitivity. They can include desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatments, dental bonding, crowns, inlays, or even root canals for severe cases. Your dentist will recommend the best treatment for your specific condition.

Tooth sensitivity can often be managed and reduced with proper treatment. While some cases may be more persistent, most patients experience significant relief with the appropriate care and preventive measures.

If you experience persistent tooth sensitivity, it’s important to see your dentist. They can diagnose the underlying cause and recommend the appropriate treatment to alleviate your discomfort and prevent further issues.

Yes, some treatments can be managed at home, such as using desensitizing toothpaste, avoiding acidic foods, and practicing good oral hygiene. However, it’s essential to consult with your dentist to ensure there are no underlying issues that need professional attention.

Google Verified Patient Reviews

Terry County Dental provided a great experience. My husband and I went together along with our baby. They were fast and efficient, so we could trade off holding our baby. The entire staff was friendly and outgoing. We will continue to use Terry County Dental for our growing family!
Andrea Roybal
1 month ago
Dr Cauley was great. Did not feel a pinch or pain during extraction. Staff was awesome and friendly. Would recommend ten times over.
Vanessa Leos
2 months ago
I highly recommend Dr. Chappell. He is patient, understanding, honest, and incredibly empathetic. I was a nervous wreck and left the clinic beyond happy and actually looking forward to my 6 month follow up. Overall, a great team and positive vibe.
Paula Champion
3 months ago
Me and my kids absolutely love this place. The staff is so welcoming and friendly my kids enjoy them. They answer all of my questions and concerns. Help to put my mind at ease with anything I have on my mind regarding my children's dental health. We've been going to them for almost 8 years now and we wouldn't choose any place else for our dental needs.
G. Eric Kaiser
4 months ago
Fast, friendly, informative, and encouraging! My kiddo was well cared for and comfortable. The hygienist was friendly and gentle. The dentist was kind and did a great job of answering all our questions. I highly recommend TCD.
Terry County Dental provided a great experience. My husband and I went together along with our baby. They were fast and efficient, so we could trade off holding our baby. The entire staff was friendly and outgoing. We will continue to use Terry County Dental for our growing family!
Andrea Roybal
1 month ago
Dr Cauley was great. Did not feel a pinch or pain during extraction. Staff was awesome and friendly. Would recommend ten times over.
Vanessa Leos
2 months ago
I highly recommend Dr. Chappell. He is patient, understanding, honest, and incredibly empathetic. I was a nervous wreck and left the clinic beyond happy and actually looking forward to my 6 month follow up. Overall, a great team and positive vibe.
Paula Champion
3 months ago
Me and my kids absolutely love this place. The staff is so welcoming and friendly my kids enjoy them. They answer all of my questions and concerns. Help to put my mind at ease with anything I have on my mind regarding my children's dental health. We've been going to them for almost 8 years now and we wouldn't choose any place else for our dental needs.
G. Eric Kaiser
4 months ago
Fast, friendly, informative, and encouraging! My kiddo was well cared for and comfortable. The hygienist was friendly and gentle. The dentist was kind and did a great job of answering all our questions. I highly recommend TCD.
Terry County Dental - Brownfield

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